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The Pay For Success (PFS) and Social Impact Bond (SIB) movements to date have focused heavily on shorter-term outcomes that can be monetized and show clear savings to government entities. In part, this focus derives from the need to specify contract payments based on a narrow set of well measured outcomes (e.g., avoided days in jail and foster care, decreased use of behavioral health services). Meanwhile efforts to measure the social return on investment (SROI) of interventions have sought to expand the view of relevant outcomes to include domains that lend themselves less clearly to monetization. This paper explores the intersection between these two movements with illustrations from a SIB initiative underway focused on homeless families with children in foster care. Challenges and potential for SROI in a third-party payor environment will be discussed as well as opportunities to better leverage the strengths of both types of initiative.  相似文献   
长期以来,我国理论界、实务界对工伤保险赔付与普通侵权损害赔偿竞合时的法律适用问题看法不一,相关立法的规定或不够明确具体,或相互抵触,导致司法裁判的标准和依据不够统一,不仅损害了司法的公平与权威,而且难以衡平当事人权益与社会公共利益.文章首先从法理视角分析了工伤保险赔付与普通侵权损害赔偿的性质及相互关系,进而论述了工伤保险赔付与普通侵权损害赔偿竞合时的法律适用模式及其缺陷,最后提出了完善工伤保险赔付与普通侵权损害赔偿冲突解决机制的设想.  相似文献   
银行、证券、保险三行业因其业务特性不同,从而面临的主要风险及风险表现的特征也不同。各行业的风险管理既表现出针对主要风险、服从业务特征的共性,也表现出在具体管理技术、方法上的差异性。因此,三行业的监管导向及监管实践都存在着差异和侧重:银行业突出系统性、监管协调和对资产的监管;证券业强调监管对象的多层次性、监管的透明性和对业务的监管;保险业以承保风险为核心,突出母国鉴定和对负债的监管。  相似文献   
对城镇老年人退而不休的动因分析,是合理开发和管理老年人力资源的前提.基于代际支持的传导作用,研究发现,具有较高社会保障水平、健康状况较好和学历较高的城镇老年人选择退而不休更倾向于实现自我价值,同时,足够的家庭养老支持对他们积极发挥余热的动机有正向推动作用;而健康状况较差和学历较低的城镇老年人,由于家庭养老支持不足、其付出与获得的家庭资源不对等以及由此产生的社会保障"外溢"等压力,更可能以获得收入为动机选择退而不休,进而导致其发展权利受损.因此,有差别地开发和管理老年人力资源、谨慎制定并实施延迟退休政策,对实现积极、健康的老龄化社会有着重要的意义.  相似文献   
As a result of aging populations, institutionalization of older people is creating an increasing financial burden in many countries. The purpose of the present study was to explore the impact of in-home service utilization on institutionalization. The subjects were newly certified as eligible for long-term care insurance between January and February 2009 in Korea. The follow-up period was 40 months, to April 2012. We used logistic regression models to identify factors influencing the transition to institutional service, adjusting for gender, age, living status, income level, activities of daily living, and chronic disease. The institutionalization rate was estimated to be 17.3% over 40 months. The interval from transitional living to institutionalization was 36 ± 8 months. Risk factors of transition to institutional services are being female, having advanced age, living with friends or cousins, getting dementia, and not using in-home services. We determined that institutionalization is mitigated by use of in-home services. Therefore, supplying appropriate in-home services to current nonusers would help to greatly reduce the rate of institutionalization of older people.  相似文献   
中国长期受到自然灾害的困扰,建立适合国情的巨灾保险体制已经成为必然。分析中国巨灾保险在供给和需求两方面均呈现不足状态的原因,借鉴国际上巨灾保险体制发展较好国家的经验,认为建立完善的巨灾保险体制需要从建立完备的法律体系、发展繁荣的巨灾保险市场和培养多层次的巨灾风险管理体系几个方面入手。从目前情况来看,应该从建立完善的法律体系、发展再保险市场、建立巨灾风险基金和发展政府巨灾债券几个方面着手,建设多层次的、适合中国国情的巨灾保险体制。  相似文献   
郝朴宁 《学术探索》2012,(2):104-110
中央提出文化强国的发展战略,无疑为文化产业的全面推进创造了发展机遇。就影视产业的发展来看,虽然这些年出了不少佳作,进行了有益的尝试,但一些瓶颈问题仍然困扰着我们。他山之石,可以攻玉,别人的经验可以让我们少走弯路,文章正是以此为出发点,提供出一个借鉴的视点。  相似文献   
面对社会救助领域依然存在的各种风险,一些地方政府越来越多地采取购买商业保险的形式来协助救助对象予以应对,在大病医疗及护理、自然灾害、意外伤害等领域,商业保险较多介入到社会救助之中。文章在阐述商业保险介入社会救助现状的基础上,对此进行了理论和实践分析,认为目前的社会救助领域依然存在政府独自承担而财政负担沉重的问题,问题的化解应形成政企合作、政社合作多元参与的社会救助机制。   相似文献   
马骏 《科学发展》2016,(11):81-88
"撤村建居"是一个庞大的系统工程,与国家、集体和个人利益息息相关,稍有不慎就会造成社会的不稳定因素.要以有利于经济社会全面发展、有利于加强社会事务管理、有利于提高人民生活水平为要求,统一规划,合理布局,加快农村社区建设,推进新型城镇化步伐.在实施过程中应注意妥善解决好以下问题:"撤村建居"过程中原村集体资产的处置,"撤村建居"后的换届,"撤村建居"后的公益事业及工作经费,"撤村建居"后的社区划分和管理,失地农民的社会保障,建设资金的来源等.  相似文献   
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